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Feature List

Which Data Fields can asynchronous processing of Smartscan extract?

Below is an overview of all the features we support.

  • The caller has to specify which fields they want processed by the API.
  • We continuously work with our integrations to expand our feature and language support. Please contact us if you would like us to look into new features.

Feature items


Note that we do not infer implicit columns, meaning we do not infer information that is not stated explicitly in the line items table. Similarly, we won't return prices including and excluding VAT, unless they are listed explicitly in the document.

Feature name Premium Description Example
BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER * Bank account number 0002012345
BANK_REGISTRATION_NUMBER * Bank registration number (in countries where relevant - eg. Denmark) 0007
CREDIT_CARD_LAST_FOUR Last four digits of the credit card that was used for payment 2345
CURRENCY Three-letter currency code EUR
CUSTOMER_NUMBER * Number that identifies the customer 12345
DOCUMENT_DATE * The date that the document was issued 2022-10-24
DOCUMENT_NUMBER * A number that identifies the document (invoice number for invoices etc.) 012782-04
DOCUMENT_TYPE - Support for Invoice, Receipt, Credit Note and Debit Note
- The API returns absolute values for amounts, meaning the amount is returned without indicating whether it's positive or negative.
IBAN IBAN code DK50 0007 0007 1112 22
ORDER_NUMBER * (experimental). Order number if present on e.g. an invoice 20220201-1234
OCR_LINE_BE_PAYMENT_ID * Belgian Payment ID: OGM +++123/1234/12345+++
OCR_LINE_DK_CREDITOR_ID Danish creditor ID: FIK Account number 12345678
OCR_LINE_DK_PAYMENT_ID Danish Payment ID: FIK Debitor or payment reference 000000001010123
OCR_LINE_DK_TYPE Danish Payment info: FIK Type field +71
OCR_LINE_FI_PAYMENT_ID Finnish Payment ID: Viitenumero 123456789
OCR_LINE_NL_PAYMENT_ID Dutch Payment ID: Betalingskenmerk 123456789
OCR_LINE_NO_PAYMENT_ID Norwegian Payment ID: Kundeidentifikasjon (KID) 123456789
OCR_LINE_SE_BANKGIRO_CREDITOR_ID Swedish Payment info: BankGiro 0070070
OCR_LINE_SE_PAYMENT_ID Swedish Payment ID :Märkning 123456789
OCR_LINE_SE_PLUSGIRO_CREDITOR_ID Swedish Payment info: PlusGiro 41
PAYMENT_DUE_DATE The last day that the payment has to be made 2022-10-24
PAYMENT_METHOD Cash, Credit Card or Bank Transfer Bank Transfer
PURCHASE_LINES * Line items information; description, quantity and prices. See all the supported fields listed below.
RECEIVER_ADDRESS * (experimental)
RECEIVER_COUNTRY_CODE * (experimental)
RECEIVER_NAME * (experimental)
RECEIVER_ORDER_NUMBER * (experimental)
RECEIVER_VAT_NUMBER * (experimental)
SUPPLIER_ADDRESS * Address of the supplier's company Gærtorvet 3, 1799 København
SUPPLIER_COUNTRY_CODE Two-letter country code of the supplier's origin DK
SUPPLIER_ORGANISATION_NUMBER * National company ID (e.g. CVR in DK or KvK in the NL) 11122007
SUPPLIER_NAME * Name of the supplier's company Visma
SUPPLIER_VAT_NUMBER * VAT number for the supplier's company (relevant in the EU) DK11122007
TEXT_ANNOTATION The full OCR output for the document
TOTAL_EXCL_VAT The total of the document excluding VAT. Will always be returned as absolute value. 20.21
TOTAL_INCL_VAT The total of the document including VAT. Will always be returned as absolute value. 21.50
TOTAL_VAT The total VAT of the document. Will always be returned as absolute value. 1.29
PAGE_TEXTS The text content of the document per page.

Upcoming features

Smartscan currently cannot predict the Order Reference, but you can provide it in the feedback calls as ORDER_REFERENCE, which we can then use in the future to train Smartscan.

Default Feature Set

Unlike the synchronous Smartscan, the asynchronous Smartscan does not have a default feature set. The caller must specify which features they want to extract from the document.

Purchase Lines

Leverage Smartscan’s functionality for extracting invoice line item extraction. With the asynchronous processing of Smartscan, you can extract line items from invoices and receipts from documents with any number of pages.

Feature Name Type Description Example Value
itemNumber number This is the row number, position, index, or ID for this line item (if it is stated on the document). 1
code string Product code, product number, or SKU associated with the line item. It is an ID that the supplier assigns to each specific product. A25006
description string The text description for the line item. It will typically be the name of a product or a text describing the delivered service. Sport socks long 3-pack black 43-46
quantity string The quantity for this line item. 12
unit string The unit of the line item, e.g. ‘pieces’, ‘kg’, or ‘lb’. kg
unitPriceInclVat number The net or gross price of one unit of this item including vat. 12.5
unitPriceExclVat number The net or gross price of one unit of this item excluding vat. 12.5
unitPrice number The net or gross price of one unit of this item. The unit price is typically referred to as the “Price” or “unit price”, and it is not always stated if it is incl or excl the vat amount. 12.5
totalInclVat number The total amount including vat. 150.00
totalExclVat number The total amount excluding vat. 120.00
totalAmount number The total amount is typically present for every line item, and is usually found as the rightmost value on the line. This is the value we return as the total_amount. This general total amount of this line item often does not distinguish between including VAT (incl_vat) or excluding VAT (excl_vat). 150.00
totalVat number The total vat amount for the specific line item. 30.0
percentageVat string The tax/vat rate associated with the line item. 25.0
pageRef number Page number on which the line was found 25.0
discount future field
percentageDiscount future field